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"Process responsibility" in the circle! 3D laser cutting machine - elevator components

  • 2022-08-03
  • 15
  • Industry

Housing is a growing demand of contemporary young people, and its elevators and accessories are also rising. How to choose the production process for the continuously increasing product demand? In this fierce competitive environment, 3D laser cutting technology is gradually improved and applied to the market. Is its emergence to meet the market development or to draw water with a bamboo basket.

Since the last century, the process with rapid development in the manufacturing industry is actually a "multi station punch processing process". With the development of science and technology and the enhancement of people's health awareness, more and more manufacturers use three-dimensional laser cutting equipment. Of course, the upgrading and transformation of enterprises are not just for these reasons. They will comprehensively consider their own processes according to their actual situation.

Take the manufacturer of "elevator components" as an example:

At present, most elevator components are made of metal materials, whether used in commercial or residential buildings. Elevator manufacturing is mainly intelligent control technology. Later, with the introduction of laser cutting equipment for processing in the form of sole proprietorship or joint venture between China and foreign countries, laser cutting equipment began to be gradually applied in the elevator industry. At the beginning of the 21st century, three-dimensional laser cutting equipment was recognized, and Chinese laser cutting machine manufacturers continued to emerge. They began to build factories and build machines, breaking the concept of human labor and realizing automatic processing of products.

Advantages of laser cutting equipment in elevator industry:

1. Short production cycle.

As the demand for elevator length increases, the variety, quantity and difficulty of its sheet metal parts increase. Many products need to be determined according to the needs of customers. Due to the limited weight and the number of molds of the multi position punch, some large sheet metal parts need different mold processing, and the mold manufacturing cycle is long, thus extending the whole product production cycle. If three-dimensional laser cutting equipment is used, its flexible processing advantages can help enterprises reduce product development costs and improve operating profits.

2. Good cutting effect.

The elevator parts are mostly decorated with stainless steel plates, and the processed lines should be smooth and flat, with ornamental. The use of other processes will have an impact on the surface of the workpiece. However, the laser cutting equipment has no mechanical stress and does not contact the surface of the workpiece, avoiding the deformation produced in the cutting process. This not only improves the elevator quality, reduces production costs, but also improves the market competitiveness of enterprises.

3. High processing flexibility.

With the changes of the times, people's aesthetic level is getting higher and higher, and the style of products is also increasing. With the increase of styles and the same number, it is impossible to use other processing methods. 3D laser cutting equipment is an automatic and intelligent processing machine, which can flexibly deal with the processing of various 3D workpieces. Three dimensional laser cutting equipment greatly reduces the labor intensity of staff and standardizes the production and processing process.

For safety reasons, the current elevator components are basically made of metal materials. Major elevator manufacturers also realize that only by increasing the processing speed can they flexibly cope with various production tasks and improve production capacity. However, 3D laser cutting technology has the advantages of stable performance and smooth operation, which can meet the cutting needs of carbon steel, stainless steel and other metal plates. It is desirable to use it to process elevator parts.

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