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3D laser cutting machine - adjust these parameters

  • 2022-08-03
  • 32
  • Industry

In recent years, China's traditional industries are facing the problem of transformation, while the market is also vigorously promoting the entry of mechanical equipment into factories and workshops. Among them, three-dimensional laser cutting equipment is a typical example. With the development of science and technology, its technology has become increasingly mature and maintained a continuous growth trend in the laser processing market. Its application range is inseparable from its unique advantages. No matter in the fields of power, transportation or daily necessities, it involves the processing of three-dimensional laser cutting equipment, which is also a market opportunity introduced by the laser industry.

The increase in market demand also means that major enterprises and manufacturers affirm the equipment. However, some manufacturers are happy to buy, but do not know how to use it properly. The equipment they buy back is not much different from the efficiency of previous manual processing. Therefore, many products begin to doubt the performance of the equipment.

1. Power output selection of laser

Not all machined parts have better cutting effect with higher cutting power. We still need to choose the appropriate power according to the processing nature, thickness, process requirements and other factors. The higher the coincidence between the laser cutting power and the processing, the better the cutting quality will be.

2. Laser cutting is suitable for three-dimensional sheet machined parts

In the process of processing, carbon steel below 12mm and stainless steel below 6mm are used a lot, and their processing efficiency and cutting quality are guaranteed. We need to proofread the focus so that the cutting effect will be obvious.

3. Selection of processing speed

No matter what workpiece is processed, its speed is not adjusted faster, and its processing efficiency is improved. Choosing an inappropriate matching speed will not only affect the cutting effect, but also damage the equipment. If the cutting speed we use is just in good agreement with the machined parts, the cutting effect at this time is also very satisfactory.

4. High pressure processing

Different types of gas have different cutting effects. Under normal circumstances, nitrogen cutting is good, oxygen cutting speed is fast, and air cutting cost is low. These are just experience, and the specific choice should be made according to the nature of the processed parts. If the higher the pressure of the gas used, the denser the purity of the gas, and the smoother the cutting section, the attached slag will be reduced.

Some parts of the three-dimensional laser cutting machine are precision parts, which need to be well maintained in daily work. Finding and solving problems in the maintenance process can prolong the service life of the three-dimensional laser cutting machine and reduce the probability of failure in the subsequent use process. To give full play to the performance of the three-dimensional laser cutting machine, we should operate and use it correctly while maintaining it daily.

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