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3D laser welding - real time seam tracking can be selected for problems such as workpiece deformation and poor consistency

  • 2022-08-03
  • 12
  • Company

Three dimensional laser welding technology uses laser beam with high heat and high density to complete the welding task of machined parts. Laser beam is a kind of thermal energy reaction that converts electricity into light. It has the characteristics of good welding effect, convenient welding and environmental protection. As a product of new technology, three-dimensional laser welding machine is an indispensable process in modern manufacturing and processing industry. At the same time, it is also widely used in transportation, oil, three-dimensional advertising and many other fields.

Compared with other welding processes, three-dimensional laser welding has a larger depth width ratio of weld bead and weld spot, which is due to the large amount of laser heat and the concentration of small spots. Three dimensional laser welding has certain advantages in heat, density, accuracy and moldability. The advantages of high heat and density reflect that laser welding has fast processing speed, small heat affected zone, small welding deformation, and it is easy to realize deep penetration welding and high-speed welding. It is mainly suitable for small and precise machining parts; The advantage of high precision lies in good welding quality, which can reduce production costs. It is mainly suitable for micro and small machined parts produced in large quantities automatically; The molding ability is strong because its processing method is flexible, and the parameters can be changed at any time, as well as the machined parts of the same type and different shapes can be replaced; The weld depth width ratio is large, and it is formed at one time when welding medium thick machined parts without beveling.

Although 3D laser welding technology has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. When welding processing parts that are easy to deform, irregular and inconsistent, due to the small spot and narrow weld after laser focusing, there are shortcomings of missing welding or partial welding. If the operation is improper, it may cause damage to the processing parts and virtually increase or decrease the production cost of the enterprise. The defects of missing welding and partial welding are not the self reason of 3D laser welding equipment, but the narrow gap of machined parts and the requirements of customers for high welding accuracy. Therefore, in the process of processing, seam tracking technology is added to solve the problems of missing welding and partial welding in laser welding. This application not only solves the substantive problems of welding, but also improves production efficiency and brings more profits to enterprises.

The seam tracking technology pays attention to real-time performance, and its advantage is to automatically detect and adjust the position of cutting head and machined parts in the welding process, so as to follow the robot to complete the welding work in the whole process. In addition, it has the advantage that it can see the molten pool during the welding process. If it is found wrong, it can suspend the welding procedure and change the welding points, so as to weld better product quality, improve welding efficiency and reduce labor intensity. Using robots instead of manual operation can liberate welders from the harsh environment and avoid physical injury to welders.

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